Connect to the Right Network
To use the bridge function correctly, it is crucial to make sure that you connect with the right wallet and network.
If you want to participate in the SOON farming, you need to wrap your SOON tokens from Shimmer Layer1 to Shimmer EVM, meaning converting SOON to sSOON. To do so, make sure you connect with your Tanglepay Shimmer wallet (an address starting with smr).Otherwise, the assets will not be read correctly. Metamask is not supported for this use case.
If you want to wrap ETH and BTC from Ethereum to Shimmer EVM, make sure you connect with your Tanglepay or Metamask EVM wallet ( an address starting with 0x), and that the Ethereum network is selected. Otherwise, the assets will not be read correctly.
If you want to unwrap sETH and sBTC from Shimmer EVM to ETH, make sure you connect with your Tanglepay or Metamask EVM wallet ( an address starting with 0x), and that the Shimmer EVM network is selected. Otherwise, the assets will not be read correctly.
For a detailed step-by-step guide, please check the next page.
Last updated